Friday Frivolities: Snape on helium, model-cum-competitive eater, Arnold pranks, and more …

Alan Rickman on helium
Mind you, the man wastes half of the gas, but when he does manage to get it right, it’s absolutely hilarious.
Model demolishes 5x foot-long subs
Nela Zisser is a New Zealand model that competed as Miss World New Zealand back in 2013. Now, two years on, she’s turned a completely 180 on her career and turned into a competitive eater. Impressive, but there’s a certain amount of irony in here somewhere.
The Beer Mile
Katie Nolan is an American television host, and she’s decided to tackle a mile-long run after chugging back a few beers. The results? About as cringe as you imagined.
The Russian Swing
Damien Walters is a former British gymnast who has now become one of the most watched freerunners on YouTube, with his videos totalling over 80 million views. His latest video is short, but seriously impressive.
Arnold’s wax figure pranks
Arnold Schwarzenegger is a man who likes pranks, and is also involved in a lot of charity work. So what better way to combine the two?