Mega CEO Vikram Kumar is leaving his post at the cloud service company to start working with Mega founder Kim Dotcom’s Internet Party.
His role with the party would be in management and he would view the it as a startup, doing “whatever needs doing”, he said in a blog post. He added he wouldn’t stand as an election candidate for the party.
“The internet and technology are tools and ways of thinking,” Kumar said. “They are not ideologies. It is up to us, whether by design or plodding along, to build a future for New Zealand we want. I believe the Internet Party can catalyse discussions about both the design itself as well as the need for a design in the first place.”
Kumar said it would be difficult for the party to get past the five percent vote threshold, saying it needed to prove it had staying power. It needed to reach out to people disengaged with voting and who hated politics, but wouldn’t just try to attract the youth vote, the tech vote or the protest vote.
“The Internet Party is not a single issue party in the sense that the internet is not just a technical or access issue- it impacts everything and everyone,” he said. “The things that New Zealanders typically care about when voting can all benefit significantly from the Internet and technology. This includes the economy, jobs, health, education, and inequalities.”
Kumar joined as Mega CEO last February and is the former head of InternetNZ. He’s also directing a location app development venture with his daughter.
Mega tweeted that CFO Stephen Hall had been appointed its new CEO.