Weirdly, emerging New Zealand innovator of the year November 10, 2015 12:07 amNew Zealand Innovation Awards Work LifeHenry Oliver READ MORE
The fastest growing company in the country isn’t just tinkering in that garage November 6, 2015 7:51 amVentureHenry Oliver READ MORE
Don’t believe the hype: Music still makes money in New Zealand November 3, 2015 6:41 amVentureHenry Oliver READ MORE
NZ Innovators Awards – Most Inspiring Individual, Glenn Martin November 2, 2015 2:52 amIssues New Zealand Innovation Awards TechHenry Oliver READ MORE
Kids in the Valley: Twelve Maori school students spend a week in Silicon Valley October 30, 2015 6:17 amTechHenry Oliver READ MORE
Fat Freddy’s Drop on the state of the music industry October 29, 2015 5:59 amVentureHenry Oliver READ MORE
UP: The 2015 TIN100 Report has good news for the NZ tech sector October 28, 2015 11:00 amVentureHenry Oliver READ MORE
Kode Biotech, winner of the Supreme New Zealand Innovator award October 23, 2015 12:47 amIssues New Zealand Innovation Awards TechHenry Oliver READ MORE
Data is dumb, it’s what you do with it that’s smart (Or: Data is dead! Long live data!) October 20, 2015 7:10 amTechHenry Oliver READ MORE
Public Service Announcement: Sitting won’t kill you after all October 16, 2015 3:57 amWork LifeHenry Oliver READ MORE
Lone Wolves: Why New Zealand tech companies need to get better at digital marketing and how they can do it October 15, 2015 6:29 amTechHenry Oliver READ MORE
Introducing: Angus Deaton, winner of the Nobel Prize in economics October 14, 2015 6:50 ametcHenry Oliver READ MORE
Factory to table: Are LED lights the future of horticulture? October 13, 2015 7:25 amTechHenry Oliver READ MORE
Collaboration nation: Why two heads aren’t nearly as good as four, or eight, or… October 9, 2015 7:22 amIssues Work LifeHenry Oliver READ MORE
Could VW’s emissions scandal be good news after all? September 29, 2015 8:57 amElectric Vehicles etcHenry Oliver READ MORE
Bobbing for Apples: Is queuing for ubiquitous products slowly dying? September 25, 2015 5:17 amTechHenry Oliver READ MORE
I got 3D scanned and all I got was this plaster mini-me perfectly detailing my clothes and physical features September 17, 2015 5:10 amTechHenry Oliver READ MORE
Doing our bit? The understudied economics of accepting refugees for resettlement September 15, 2015 4:39 ametcHenry Oliver READ MORE
Seeing Red (Peak): flawed processes, lessons from South Africa and perfect metaphors September 8, 2015 10:11 amDesignHenry Oliver READ MORE
In or out? Fashion designer Sean Kelly launches his brand September 3, 2015 4:27 amDesignHenry Oliver READ MORE
End of the golden weather: Vodafone’s loss and the uncertain future of telcos September 1, 2015 4:13 amVentureHenry Oliver READ MORE
Five uses for drones that aren’t firing missiles, delivering Amazon orders, or annoying neighbours August 27, 2015 8:45 amTechHenry Oliver READ MORE
Bada bing, bada boom: Baboom, the new ‘fair trade’ music streaming service August 24, 2015 8:43 amTechHenry Oliver READ MORE
Sharing is caring: Parkable, Auckland’s new parking app August 18, 2015 7:39 amTechHenry Oliver READ MORE