Apps like Tinder aim to somewhat automate the dating process to make it a bit easier. Why not take it one step further and give the finger-swiping responsibility to someone else, namely a robot.
This is exactly what one geek has done with the ‘T Machine’.
As TechCrunch puts it:
“The T Machine by Julian Heden is a very powerful system for meeting humans. It consists of a Raspberry Pi connected to a motor that is, in turn, connected to a tablet pen. The robot then selects every face that appears, thereby ensuring maximum potential mate acquisition. It’s not very smart but it gets the job done and it saves wear and tear on your joints. Didn’t like the lady or man you swiped? Who cares. Humans are humans and they’re mostly all alike except for sports players. Now if there was only a robot that could help us make small talk and order from a restaurant menu… entrepreneurs?”
(via TechCrunch)