George Martin, the music producer and reputed gentleman, died this week aged 90.
Martin was instrumental in signing the Beatles to their record contract and served as their musical mentor, guiding them when they needed guidance, giving them restrained-but-impactful orchestration, and make their insane/idiotic/genius ideas come to musical life.
Paul McCartney (no introduction necessary, right?) has a moving tribute on his Facebook page. “If anyone earned the title of the fifth Beatle it was George,” McCartney writes. “From the day that he gave The Beatles our first recording contract, to the last time I saw him, he was the most generous, intelligent and musical person I’ve ever had the pleasure to know.”
For a perfect example of Martin’s contribution to the Beatles, see this dissection of Martin’s ‘In My Life’ piano solo from Classic FM.
For rundown of some of Martin’s non-Beatles work, see this post from the New Republic.