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It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. It was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness.


Robots. Ho-hum, right? After all, we seem to be utterly saturated with news about the latest and greatest innovations basically every day, from machines


Intela CEO Asa Cox chats with Idealog about Farrago, "unsexy" AI, whether or not robots will replace us all, and more.


Raising $1 million is an achievement for any company. But Tauranga-based visitor management software company SwipedOn has even greater ambitions.


Smart speakers and digitised helpers have been cited as this year’s big fish in New Zealand - and warring virtual assistants from Amazon's Alexa


In 2018, it may come as a surprise that buying an electric vehicle might be cheaper than getting a petrol car. But how much is


Digital learning skills, smarter homes and medical drone deliveries will be major tech developments that will significantly impact the lives of people living in


Bastion Point, a park perched on top of a hill overlooking Mission Bay, receives 500,000 visitors annually, but the cultural history of the place remains


EECA is again pouring big money into encouraging more New Zealanders to use electric vehicles. But at what cost? 


Touch Tech CEO Andrew Smith chats with Idealog about SAM, the artificial intelligence-powered virtual politician that may one day actually run for office.


A new laser detection tool being developed by two University of Canterbury chemistry experts may help farmers pinpoint environmental issues and develop better strategies to


For a few days in early January, Las Vegas becomes the centre of the technology universe thanks to the Consumer Electronics Show (<span data-scayt-lang="en_US"


A group of New Zealanders are leading a global team in launching the world’s first blockchain platform for the online ratings and review industry.


We’ve come a long way since the mid-1900s, when the dining options available to New Zealanders largely consisted of meat, three veg and tomato


Asia has raced ahead in terms of technological innovation and it shows no signs of stopping, says Amarit Charoenphan, Group CEO and founder of


There's a reason so many robots and artificial intelligence are designed to be female - and the answer doesn't exactly inspire confidence in the future.


Here's how Maru Nihoniho is taking her business to the next level with Tech Futures Lab.


Skynet, HAL, The Matrix, I Robot, Transcendence. Will AI one day turn against us, as sci-fi so often seems to predict?


New Zealand researchers have recreated what is thought to be the world’s first computer-generated Christmas music. Tis the season for (robot) carols.


As we head into the Christmas break, it's time to take stock and reflect on the year that was; as well as beginning to focus


Aura Information Security's Peter Bailey takes a look at the year that was in cybersecurity - and what we can expect in 2018.


How do you break the stereotype of the younger generation that’s been labelled lazy, self-entitled and reckless with money (hello, $15 smashed avocado on


New Zealand company Soul Machines Limited - developer of emotionally responsive and intelligent avatars, and creator of digital human Sophie for Air New Zealand –


Consumers respond well to high-quality product images – yet they respond even better to a more immersive, multimedia shopping experience with video content, says <span


German supermarket Edeka has done something a little different for its holiday ad with a sci-fi take on Christmas by looking into the future.


Agritech futurist Dr Rosie Bosworth wrote a major feature for Idealog this year on the new food revolution enabled by science and biotech. For some, that future looks rosy,