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Craig Stires of Amazon Web Services on AI, big data and society (listen)

Top image: Craig Stires.

Artificial intelligence. Analytics. Big data.

Important topics, yes. But be honest: you’ve heard all about them before. 

So has Craig Stires. But Stires also happens to be the head of AI, Analytics and Big Data, for Amazon Web Services in the Asia-Pacific region – and has some fascinating insights into how technology is changing society and the way we do business, including how big data analytics will lead the next wave of growth for the cloud, how New Zealand companies can use and understand their data better, and the inevitability of automation through widespread use of AI and its potential impacts on business and society. Have a listen to the podcast with Stires below.

Listen to this podcast with Amazon’s Alayna Van Dervort on using AI for good:

Check out this podcast with Intela’s Asa Cox on Farrago and “unsexy” (but still very cool) AI:

Hear this podcast with Touch Tech CEO Andrew Smith about SAM, the artificial intelligence-powered virtual politician that may one day actually run for office:

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