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The rise of co-working spaces with my Logitech Casa Pop-Up Desk companion

A whopping two in three Kiwis work from home at least part of the time, according to Logitech’s recent research. Powered by Logitech’s Casa Pop-Up Desk, this four-part series looks at the new way Kiwis are working and the innovations that could change everything. 

Part four follows writer Bernadette Basagre investigating the rise of co-working spaces and how the Logitech Casa Pop-Up Desk proved the perfect companion for a day at Auckland’s new co-working hotspot, Spaces in Newmarket.

Co-working spaces in New Zealand have increased by 22% over the past year.

There’s no denying the recent surge for purpose-built hybrid working zones, which offer employees flexible yet collaborative environments – qualities often absent in the increasingly remote work landscape.

“The popularity of co-working spaces goes hand-in-hand with the growing trend towards hybrid working, which continues to become the preferred way of working for both companies and employees,” says Alex Sykes, New Zealand Country Manager for International Workplace Group.

I had the opportunity to try one of Auckland’s newest co-working hot spots, Spaces, run by International Workplace Group.

Walking into the office on a Monday in September, I felt like I had wandered into an IKEA store. During a guided tour, I later learned that the design was heavily inspired by Scandinavian interiors.

This Scandi aesthetic was no accident, International Workplace Group aimed to enhance the collaborative and social aspects of the workspace – and they succeeded. Spaces is packed with open desks and communal areas that encourage interaction and conversation.

Sykes says that its approach to co-working spaces is completely different to a traditional corporate office.

“Spaces’ strong community spirit keeps customers engaged and open to new possibilities,” he adds.

In the dynamic environment of co-working spaces, the Logitech Casa Pop-Up Desk offers a compact, all-in-one workspace solution that fits effortlessly into your bag without taking up extra space.

While Spaces excels at addressing the need for social interaction in hybrid work environments, naturally there’s less emphasis on providing professional work setups which would mirror a more traditional office.

This is where my Logitech Casa Pop-Up Desk proved invaluable. The all-in-one kit includes a wireless keyboard, touchpad, and an ergonomic laptop stand – everything I needed to make my work at Spaces practical and productive.

Read more: Logitech’s Casa Pop-Up Desk gives my home set-up a glow up

The beauty of the Casa Pop-Up Desk is its portability. It all fits neatly into a compact case, making it easy to use at home or on the go, whether at Spaces or anywhere else.

Despite its focus on social interaction, Spaces does offer areas conducive to focused work. I particularly appreciated the booths – secluded yet accessible, they provided a great balance between privacy and openness.

In environments where keyboards, screens, and mice are unavailable, the Logitech Casa Pop-Up Desk becomes the ideal companion for hybrid workers, offering a fully integrated solution that creates a functional workspace wherever you go.

My time at Spaces turned out to be incredibly productive – I managed to get loads of work done in just eight hours.

Sykes notes that co-working spaces are on the rise due to the shift to hybrid working, which has proven to boost productivity, offer a more sustainable work model, and encourage a healthier work-life balance.

“The universal move towards hybrid working is also fueled by advances in technology,” adds Sykes.

“In the past four years, we’ve seen significant upgrades to tools like Teams and Zoom. As technology continues to advance, particularly in areas like the metaverse, AI, and machine learning, these innovations are set to boost productivity and strengthen the hybrid work model.

This is where the Logitech Casa Pop-Up Desk proves its worth. Designed with virtual meetings and mobility in mind, it’s an ideal fit for the evolving work environment.

Meanwhile, International Workplace Group is embracing a model akin to Uber, allowing people to book co-working spaces around the globe. This approach provides a cost-effective alternative to traditional office leases and caters to the increasing demand for hybrid work.

If there’s one key takeaway from my Monday off-site, it’s that in today’s hybrid work world, co-working spaces and the Logitech Casa Pop-Up Desk are indeed a winning combo. 

Bernadette is a content writer across SCG Business titles. To get in touch with her, email [email protected]

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