The return of IdealogLive! Rod Snodgrass talks venture and tech at the Seafarers Club, Britomart

The second IdealogLive event of 2015 is now set for downtown Auckland. Great whiskey, delectable finger food, and hear from the big boss at Spark Ventures, Rod Snodgrass.
Responsible for sniffing out new business opportunities in an industry characterised by rapid change, constant innovation, disruption and tough competition, Rod will take you on a tour of his frantic world while mellowing out the evening with a glass of whiskey from Johnnie Walker.
Rod Snodgrass
The evening caps off with a round of Dragon Den-style voting as entrepreneurs vie for your affections to win real money, and be featured in Idealog Magazine.
The event will be held at Spark Labs, located at Level 5 Seafearers Building, 52 Tyler Street, Britomart, directly above Ostro. Arrive at 6pm and mingle for a bit; kick off is at 6.30pm.
Tickets can be purchased here – general entry is $39.00, and with an extra $10.00, you’ll also receive a 6 month subscription to Idealog Magazine.
Check out a short gallery of our last Pitch Circus, and read about our most recent winner.
{% gallery ‘pitchcircus-wellington-april’ %}
Up for grabs:
- $1000 Cash
- A gift from Johnnie Walker
- One hour free consulting with AJ Park, the IP specialists
- One hour free consulting with Mike Hutchinson, business guru
- Profile in Idealog Magazine
- Introduction to the Venture Capital Association