But in this always-on/always-connected society, so many of us just feel the need to maximise every second, multi-tasking our multi-tasking. So, if you can’t stand being away from your email while you’re driving to work, there’s a new app that’ll keep your hands on the wheel and your eyes on the road.
Speaking Email, is a new app that reads your email to you while you drive. “It’s just like having a radio station with your inbox in it,” says Speaking Email’s CEO and developer, Mike Nelson.
Under New Zealand law, you’re only allowed use your phone while driving if it’s in a cradle and you manipulate and look at it “infrequently and briefly”. Speaking Email not only reads you your emails, but allows you to quickly and easily control your inbox or send instant replies without giving it too much of your attention.
“Our guiding design principle is that you can operate the app by touching and looking at it infrequently and briefly,” says Nelson. All control buttons are large, so you can see them easily and if you double tap your screen, the app will archive or mark as read the email you’re listening to.
In the UK and certain states in the US, you cannot touch your phone at all while driving so the app can read your inbox continuously if necessary.
Nelson says it’s especially useful for people that drive during the day for work and need to keep up on their comms, but could be the perfect tool to get through those hundreds of unread emails over a long drive.
Speaking Email is now free on the App Store until the end of the month and will go up to US$9.99. Why not try it out on your drive home by listening to those all those long emails from your old school friend that you’ve been putting off reading.