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Friday Frivolities: Pasta, holograms and drones.

Cable snap

Worst fears are realised when the cable on this amusement ride breaks. Ruling this one off the to do list.

Eagle takes down drone

No eagles were hurt in the filming of this video.

Bus Advertising

Blockbuster cinematography highlights the benefits of public transport.

Canister drones

From canister to camera drone in seconds. Selfie stick eat your heart out.

Make a hologram with your phone

For DIY lovers, here is a guideline to turn your phone into a hologram projector. You don’t even have to wear those dorky glasses!

10,000th shoplifter gets parade

The Dutch have a strange way of addressing crime.

How to age gracefully

People offer their words of wisdom to the younger generation.

Puns in IKEA

Man harasses girlfriend in IKEA with terrible puns. Classic dad jokes.

All six Star Wars movies at the same time

Eager for the new Star Wars film? Strapped for time? Relive all the best moments of the six film saga at the same time.

Break-up Pasta.

(Disclaimer: Use at own risk.)


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