The weirdest product I’ve been told to write about: Goodstool, a stool made in New Zealand for passing stool

“Revolutionising your bathroom experience,” the press release reads. Not once in my life have, I been on the toilet and thought, ‘You know what, this needs changing.’ But like all great inventions in this world, they are designed to fix a problem, and our world apparently has a problem with passing digested food.
Allbirds are no longer all that is needed for the slick entrepreneur image.
“It seems the majority of New Zealanders are ‘going’ the wrong way”, it continues. Never in my life would I expect a press release to drag me for something as personal as this. It states that in our Westernised world, we have adopted an improper practice due to our prissy nature of not wanting to squat over an open hole in the ground, filled with other people’s excretions. Although across the world, the porcelain throne is a relatively new invention, crafted 300 years ago in England.
Next time I use the bathroom, I am cursed to be hyper aware of the knowledge that, “When you are standing or seated your puborectalis muscle holds your colon slightly kinked to keep everything safely blocked up.” Oh, my goodness. That doesn’t sound good for our bottom lines.
Our evolution has given us many benefits, crafting us into the creatures we are today. Yet apparently, that evolution has also blocked our sphincters and ruined our intestines. Goodstool, as much as I never thought I’d say this, is a fantastic idea.
The medical side checks out, as clinical trials have proven the many benefits associated with lifting the knees when using the bathroom. And for the older generation and people who often have difficulties in this area, this fills a gap in the market that has been previously ignored in New Zealand, especially when dealing with such a taboo subject.
Sleek, just like your movements should be.
There are a few different types of these stools on the market, including a leg rest that requires your body to be sitting at a 90-degree angle which doesn’t bode well for the inevitable difficulty it adds to wiping. Often prototypes are clunky, visible and for some odd reason, leopard print.
Yet, Goodstool is made of 100 percent recyclable aluminum, and made in our very own Mount Maunganui. It’s available in black and white, and comes in two designs – standard or subtle – with four feet attached so that your bathroom floors are safe.
New Zealand based registered dietitian and founder of Goodstool, Hannah Wilkins, wants to reacquaint you with your body’s most natural position. Clinical trials have proven the many benefits associated with lifting the knees when using the bathroom. Wilkins says, “It really just feels better, I regularly recommend using a Goodstool to patients as it supports them in getting into a better posture when eliminating. You will feel the difference.”
So as a frequent ‘eliminator’ I can see why this product has come about, and hopefully will be adopted into our lives, as even in the most personal parts of our lives, convenience does trump all other aspects. The Goodstool is proof that there is literally a market for everything.
At $120, it’s a heftier price tag than you might expect – but a new and improved experience while passing stools? Priceless.