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Follow the money: NZTE and Insight Creative’s hunt for international investment

NZTE sought out Insight Creative’s business storytelling expertise to present a case to primarily Asian and Middle-Eastern investors. Fortunately, the in-depth research it uncovered provided compelling data.

NZTE had identified five key regions where the need was greatest and the investment proposition most explicit.

First and foremost, the core story needed to be framed and expressed clearly and be visually powerful. Insight Creative developed three creative platforms to present to NZTE and together they selected the ‘Open for investment’ option.  

“This platform had the advantage of being campaignable through the document – agile enough to segue naturally to each of the regions,” says Insight Creative’s strategist, Mike Tisdall. “For example, Auckland is ‘Open for Business’, Rotorua ‘Open to Experience’, Wellington ‘Open for Creativity’, Christchurch ‘Open to the New’ and Queenstown ‘Open for Adventure’.”

“Finding outstanding imagery presented no challenge, but choosing from such a rich resource certainly did,” says design director Edwin Hooper.

Once the storytelling aspects were locked down, Insight’s focus turned to selecting key data and carefully considering what to elevate as highlights and what had the most potential to illustrate as infographics. Then it became a pedantic layout and crafting task for Hooper to create a beautiful document that would immediately impress, but also deliver the substance of the argument cogently and coherently.

NZTE’s Paul Burnaby conducted relentless roadshows to eight international markets with this material. The programme has already shown huge promise with one major deal already signed and four more currently under negotiation.


  • To see how Insight Creative’s strategic brand and marketing communications can accelerate your business, visit www.insightcreative.co.nz.

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