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Making graffiti pay

Fast forward a decade or so and BMD has thrown off its illegal-painting-on-the-wall “bad boy” image and started making some legitimate money adding street cred to company offices, corporate brands, and even private houses. 

Last year BMD worked with brands like I Love Ugly, Google and Microsoft. The pair appeared in a couple of videos to show off the capabilities of the Microsoft Surface Pro 3, and there was also a competition where fans got to suggest an idea for a big piece of graffiti art. 

Canterbury Museum, Christchurch, 2013. Photo: Luke Shirlaw


Wellington, 2013. Photo: Blake Dunlop

Wellington, 2014. Photo: Blake Dunlop

BMD x Motel, Wellington, 2014. Photo: Brady Dyer

Hieroglyphics for Our Place, New Plymouth, 2014. Photo: Bianca Brons

BMD is also increasingly getting commissioned by New Zealanders prepared to pay to get their walls defaced. How much for a wall? No one’s giving anything away.

A graduate from the AUT business school with some ad agency experience, Callum takes care of Idealog's social media, the website's look and feel and even does a story here and there.

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