Traditionally, wrap advertising has been achieved by painting a vehicle’s outer service. But these days the use of large vinyl sheets as “decals” means a large reduction of cost for changing advertising, and the sheets are removable with relative ease.
From busses to trains, streetcars to planes, mobile advertisement has proven to be a fairly lucrative industry, at the same time enabling a wide marketing outreach. But how do you actually wrap a car?
One company in Lithuania has produced a stop-motion short to answer that question, and they’ve done it without a person inside the frame. Utilising stop-motion, an animation technique to make a physically manipulated object to appear on its own, it looks as if the wraps went on by itself.
Car Wrapping 80 LVL autoapklijavimas.lt from Maksim Volkov on Vimeo.
Idealog magazine is part of Image Centre Group, which includes our very own wrapping service in the form of Boston Digital. Those guys do some awesome wrappings, so check out the gallery below for a few before-and-after shots, and if you’re keen on having some amazing mobile marketing, don’t hesitate to give them a call.
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