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Behold Mat Bogust’s cardboard boombox

For many, cardboard is something that belongs in recycling bins. But for ‘cardboard engineer/packaging ninja’ Mat Bogust, the creative genius behind Idealog issue 48, it’s something to be messed with, as he did recently as part of Beck’s NZ Music Month sponsorship. 

Beck’s has been running with the tagline ‘turning beer into art’ for a while now and it has launched a series of music-inspired labels for its bottles in recent years. Each label motif is a reflection of cover art for a specific genre of music, from indie to hip hop, rock to pop, heavy metal to punk. So Bogust’s company Think Packaging was asked to create a pack to show off these new labels, with Curious Design on artwork duties. 

“The brief contained the words something music inspired. I replied, ‘Boom Box’. With some awesome extras of course.” 

At the other end of the cardboard spectrum, Bogust’s business Rest in Pets, which offers a range of biodegradable cardboard caskets and urns, has been going from strength to strength as word spreads, he says. 

It has a distributor set up in New Zealand and is available at some pet doctor clinics, as well as online at pets.co.nz, petpost.co.nz and its own websiteIt is also talking to a distributor in Australia and a wholesaler who is interested in taking the product country-wide, and over in the UK, he says Pets at Home, the biggest chain of its type with over 370 stores, is conducting a trial. 

Bogust does a lot of work for Image Centre Group and he is based in the St Lukes office. And OnDigital created this video profile on him recently. 

Check out some more of his cardboard creations here

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