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Jennifer Rutherford has been named as the Hi-Tech Trust’s new chair and has vowed to help with the organisation’s newly announced goal to encourage


Local tech success story RedShield, an innovative web application shielding service which Kordia offers as part of its cybersecurity portfolio, is helping businesses


No longer is the modern canvas confined to being flat. Fostered by the advent of powerful projectors and more advanced methods of mapping, large-scale


The oldest joint in Wellington is offering patrons a modern take on the dining experience as part of the 2017 Wellington On a Plate


As part of Idealog's Technology Month, we've picked the brains of some of the movers and shakers in the industry to find out their favourite


As the rate of change accelerates, collaboration between large organisations and startups is increasingly common. These partnerships, if successful, will create experiences that make sense to


A growing community of civic hackers is working across the country to strengthen our democracy and make the world, or at least our local communities,


As part of Idealog's Technology Month, we've picked the brains of some of the movers and shakers in the industry to find out their favourite


A report by business software provider MYOB on the state of New Zealand’s startup ecosystem says the country has a healthy startup culture –


No longer is the modern canvas confined to being flat. Fostered by the advent of powerful projectors and more advanced methods of mapping, large-scale


Vend's Vaughan Rowsell knows things, wants things, predicts things, worries about things and improves things. In this fifth instalment, here are five things that


Today’s omnichannel retail environment demands one thing above all others, says LookDepot managing director Andy Mackie: consistency.


A Kiwi startup is taking part in the same startup accelerator that’s produced Airbnb, Dropbox and Stripe. Quick take: big things are expected of


With global population growth, water scarcity and the desire for food  security high on the list of political concerns, the agtech sector is booming


Almost 10 years ago, Sir Paul Callaghan challenged New Zealanders to think of their economy as more than just a farm. Progress has been made, but


As part of Idealog's Technology Month, we've picked the brains of some of the movers and shakers in the industry to find out their favourite


Vend's Vaughan Rowsell knows things, wants things, predicts things, worries about things and improves things. In this fourth instalment, here are five things that


A new cyber security accelerator is launching in Melbourne next month – and Kiwi companies willing to jump across the ditch can join in.


Previously Unavailable's James Hurman has worked with brands big and small to try and figure out what they should be saying about themselves. And, for


Silicon Valley is worshipped by many for being home to some of the largest technology behemoths in the world. But the ultra-competitive environment and


Composite manufacturing is an integral part of New Zealand’s globally renowned boat building industry. But, as Michael Barrett writes, these technological processes are also


Could tech one day overtake dairy as New Zealand’s top export? It’s a pretty bold claim, sure. But the folks behind the Canterbury


What happens when you combine water, electricity and a form of art? The Waterlight Grafitti installation. The interactive piece, which will be in Aotea Square for the


Vend's Vaughan Rowsell knows things, wants things, predicts things, worries about things and improves things. In this third instalment, here are five things he


50 percent of people quizzed would choose to have a broken bone over a broken phone –  true or false? We've pulled together 10


Milk without the cow, meatless burgers that bleed, chicken and shrimp made from plant matter, and now foie gras without a force-fed goose in