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Global rideshare company, Ario, to make global launch in New Zealand

Kiwis will be the very first people in the world to experience the new global rideshare company, Ario, and its advanced scooters.

Using cutting-edge technology and design, this three-wheeled e-scooter, powered by Ario, is set to launch in New Zealand’s Auckland and Christchurch as a world first.

Ario has reimagined what the e-scooter looks like, to provide an experience that is all about serving pedestrians and reducing the number of e-scooter-related injuries.

From providing remote parking technology, 360-degree sensors and cameras, a three-wheeled design and patented suspension system, stability and braking safety, Ario is reimagining how e-scooters are used to make an overall safer experience for users and pedestrians.

Ario used date from case studies across the world, including ACC New Zealand where it is revealed that e-scooter riders have a high rate of injury due to isolated falls, to create its e-scooters.

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General Manager of Ario New Zealand, Adam Murison says that this is an exciting and innovative transport development for Kiwi communities in Auckland and Christchurch.

“Sustainable transport options, including shared e-scooters, are vital to the liveability of urban centres. Ario’s design innovation, which addresses the industry’s deep-seated issues, is essential for pedestrians, councils and riders across the motu to enjoy a more accessible and safe urban environment,” says Muirson.

“Ario is a safer, smarter and more sustainable e-scooter which is going to make everyone on the footpath happier. We can’t wait for New Zealanders, both on and off our scooters, to experience the Ario difference.”

Already Ario has the support of disability and walking advocacy groups as they strive to the world leaders in safe travel.

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