If one could distill, bottle and commodify the inspiration that enveloped the Rotorua Novotel hall which housed the one-day Matariki X conference this past Saturday, it would surely provide sufficient fuel to propel the M?ori economy into orbit and the wellbeing of our people along with it. Indeed, Matariki X’s opening keynote speaker, pioneering animator Ian Taylor originally from Raupunga, wowed us with digital technologies that could visually transport us there. However, it was closing keynote Mana Vautier from Whakarewarewa, a NASA engineer and aspiring astronaut, who has within his grasp the means to physically get us there. Lets hope he achieves his mission to be the first M?ori on the moon.
NASA engineer Mana Vautier, addressing the crowd at Matariki X
With around 350 delegates packed in, we were treated to one of the most remarkable ensembles of M?ori innovators and entrepreneurs one could ever hope to witness. And yet one gets the distinct feeling that this is just the beginning, the beginning of something grand, that the rangatahi present and our mokopuna to come, will one day exploit for the good of all, M?ori mai, P?keh? mai. The voices of the kaikaranga followed by esteemed Te Arawa elder Pihopa Kingi, and other members of the mana whenua Ng?ti Whakaue, ushered us in. Waiwhetu Marae chair and parliamentary kaiwhakarite Kura Moeahu replied on behalf of the visiting party and Te Kura o Te Koutu principal Uenuku Fairhall, retrieved the m?uri of the huihuinga.
Master of Ceremonies, Russell Harrison urged us to strap ourselves in for was set to be a mindblowing ride and whirlwind tour of the world of M?ori innovation and entrepreneurship—he was not wrong. Before proceedings commenced, however, a quip from the crowd to our MC to tell us tonight’s Lotto numbers was met with a beaming but mute grin, before the former Lotto cohost dodged that old chesnut, uttering “moving right along.”
Ian Taylor pictured left with Callaghan Innovation CEO Mary Quin
No conference is without opening remarks from officialdom, to which we were admirably served by Mayor Steve Chadwick, Ng?ti Rangiwewehi stalwart and Minister for M?ori Development the Hon Te Ururoa Flavell, and primary sponsor Callaghan Innovation represented by chief executive Dr Mary Quin. Mayor Chadwick welcomed dignitaries, delegates and organisers, noting how things had changed for the better around her council table with the presence of iwi partners via Te Tatau o Te Arawa. Minister Flavell, in his travels, had seen both the best and worse of M?ori circumstance, asking us to not forget those in dire need who also have dreams they are trying to fulfil. Dr Quin’s mihi i te reo set the tone, brief but compelling, just as a professional manager ought to be, she says.
Throughout Matariki X, speakers shared their stories, both personal and businesswise, their failures and successes, and what they believed future M?ori innovators and entrepreneurs might look like. To this latter question, Tawera Nikau’s reply was emphatic: “the future M?ori entrepreneur looks like you!” Up against the clock, literally, with about 15 minutes each, we were enthralled, challenged, inspired, and entertained by tales of rejection, dejection, tragedy and despair on the downside and passion, resilience, faith and fruition on the upside. We learned that through adversity came success. We learnt to see the power of ‘no,’ not as a sign to surrender, but that one’s idea, execution or timing may simply be out and require adjusting. We learnt that successful entrepreneurs keep going inspite of criticism, self-doubt, prejudice, no money, and no hope. In the dark times, the comforting words of one’s spouse “to get home safely” and that “things will be alright,” the aroha and whakamoemiti of one’s koroua and kuia after a hard week, and the awhi of one’s wh?nau, are enough to pause, refuel and carry on.
Tawera Nikau
One cannot escape the feeling though that the speakers’ successes are draped in great sacrifice, often borne by one’s wh?nau. Supermarket owner and Ng?puhi holdings chair Jason Witehira poignantly urges us to spend time with wh?nau. Finding a way to live a balanced life was echoed by others, Crankworx entrepreneur Tak Mutu, Manawaora director Dr Anna Rolleston, and Colab founder Robett Hollis, among them.
Dr Anna Rolleston
When asked what M?ori innovation means, speakers invariably identified five common elements: first a good idea; second, exceptional execution, for an idea without implementation is an unfufilled promise; third, passion for a kaupapa greater than oneself; fourth, people, surrounding oneself with people smarter and better than you, which in one case meant paying some more than the owner paid himself (a notion one must discuss further with one’s employer); and fifth, profit. Make no mistake, being in business is about making money says Jason Witehira, but how you make money and what you do with the money is what sets the M?ori business model apart. Perhaps the rockstar of the day, Robett Hollis, leaves no doubt as to what he believes is most important: “ideas are shi*t, execution is everything!”
Robbett Hollis speaking at Matariki X
M?ori innovation is evident in tribal and nontribal M?ori enterprises, across every sector of the economy, both social and commercial. M?ori innovators are producing products and services with a M?oriness that is palpable, daring, satisfying and delivering value to consumers globally and locally of every persuasion, not just M?ori. While not the core of their talks, some of the innovations speakers had developed include: use of biosensors in clinical physiology (Dr Anna Rolleston); sustainable medium density urban housing for tribal members (Dr Rangimarie Hunia), voice-recognition software and an integrated media production management systems (Bailey Mackey); collaborative entrepreneurial workspaces (Rangimarie Hunia), voice-recognition software and an integrated media production management systems (Bailey Mackey); collaborative entrepreneurial workspaces (Hunia), voice-recognition software and an integrated media production management systems (Bailey Mackey); collaborative entrepreneurial workspaces (Robett Hollis); realtime online medical diagnoses (Dr Lance O’Sullivan); and horticultural robotics (Steve Saunders). Ian Taylor’s visual swansong was to show us what a massive carved pou, encassed in a class pyramid-like structure adorning Auckland’s waterfront, might look like, with its potential to be a globally iconic expression of welcome to Aotearoa.
Lance O’Sullivan
Dr Rangimarie Hunia on a panel discussion at Rangimarie Hunia on a panel discussion at Hunia on a panel discussion at Matariki X
Two M?ori entrepreneurs not at Matariki X (Grant Straker of Straker Translations spoke the night before at the sponsors evening and Cliff Curtis of Whenua Films was stuck in transit from the States) are also outstanding innovators in their own right. Straker of Straker Translations spoke the night before at the sponsors evening and Cliff Curtis of Whenua Films was stuck in transit from the States) are also outstanding innovators in their own right. Whenua Films was stuck in transit from the States) are also outstanding innovators in their own right. Callaghan Innovation’s M?ori economy general manager and chief instigator of Matariki X insisted Cliff would be part of the line up at the next Inspire event. Grant should also be in the mix too. With so many memorable performances, Wetini Mitai-Ngatai’s tales of balancing the demands of Wetini Mitai-Ngatai’s tales of balancing the demands of wh?nau and drawing on them for awhi, stands out as both hard case and telling; something to which one could readily relate.
Wetini Mitai-Ngatai
Matariki X showed that the confluence of indigeneity, innovation, and an entrepreneurship that draws inspiration from our ancestors, M?ui Tikitiki a Taranga in particular, seems to be the source of what league legend, tribal entrepreneur and businessman indigeneity, innovation, and an entrepreneurship that draws inspiration from our ancestors, M?ui Tikitiki a Taranga in particular, seems to be the source of what league legend, tribal entrepreneur and businessman M?ui Tikitiki a Taranga in particular, seems to be the source of what league legend, tribal entrepreneur and businessman Tikitiki a Taranga in particular, seems to be the source of what league legend, tribal entrepreneur and businessman Taranga in particular, seems to be the source of what league legend, tribal entrepreneur and businessman Tawera Nikau says is our UMF: ‘unique M?ori factor.’ M?ori innovators and entrepreneurs are using the thing that makes us unique, special and different—being M?ori—not so much to establish our right to be on playing field of commerce (we are already there with both hands on the ball); they are using their UMF to creatively add value to who they are as M?ori and to the collective wellbeing of their people.
PangoPango Productions director Bailey Mackey drew us to Dr Josie Keelan who describes Keelan who describes M?ori innovation as the mysterious space between tap? and noa, which Mackey colloquially equates with “we rip sh*t up;” not literally, but in business and in a good way. Mackey recites the exploits of M?ui, the younger of his siblings, fearless in his child-like inquisitiveness, as examplar. M?ui, along with his brothers ensnares the sun, slowing it and improving the quality of life for all humankind. The moral of the story: approach business as our ancestor M?ui approached his various endeavours.tap? and noa, which Mackey colloquially equates with “we rip sh*t up;” not literally, but in business and in a good way. Mackey recites the exploits of M?ui, the younger of his siblings, fearless in his child-like inquisitiveness, as examplar. M?ui, along with his brothers ensnares the sun, slowing it and improving the quality of life for all humankind. The moral of the story: approach business as our ancestor M?ui approached his various endeavours.
Bailey Mackey inspiring with his stories from Pango ProductionsPango Productions
It was only fitting that the sponsors, organisers and helpers were acknowledged. On the roll of honour were Poutama Trust (Richard Jones, Jeanna Love and Jodi Baillie), local M?ori accounting and consulting firm GHA (Glenn, Mere and many of their staff), M?ori business network Takiwai (Lara Northcroft), with Rolleston thanking his team, Hera Wiremu and Liz Pokia in particular, and GHA’s Shontelle Bishara was singled out for praise as project manager.
Matariki X came to its eventual conclusion, with words of wisdom and the Apostolic Benediction (in English and in M?ori) led by our kaum?tua Pihopa Kingi, and a rousing rendition of Whakaaria Mai, by the upstanding congregation.
An online poll screened just before we broke favouring Hawkes Bay as the venue for the next Inspire event. As I am about to take up a post as a lecturer and researcher with Massey University’s Business School in Palmerston North, may I put in a late plea for Manawat? Whanganui (code for Palmerston North) as host of the next Inspire event. That’s a rhetorical proposition e te rangatira e Hemi.
To all and sundry M?ori innovators and entrepreneurs, let us be as M?ui and snare the sun, our own sun, and then some…M?ui and snare the sun, our own sun, and then some…