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Behold! The winners of the first Idealog/AUT Co.Starters scholarships

This is they:

Josh Cragg

Cragg’s idea is for a web-based application that will help you keep abreast of your competition’s business activity without having to choke your inbox to death with a thousand competitor emails.

At the moment there are no solutions on the market to directly address this, so Craig’s aim is to create a web-based application that can track your competitors’ marketing activities and give you the tools to create informed strategies needed to remain competitive.

Heidi North-Bailey

North-Bailey wants to bring Book Slam, London’s literary nightclub (yes, that’s a real thing) to Auckland.

Book Slam Downunder will be Auckland’s own version of London’s best/first/only literary nightclub.

She’s promising guest writers, live music, a DJ, and a special spot for awkward teen poetry (submissions welcome).

“You should come,” she says. “It’ll be fun.”

First round’s on us.

Congratulations to the winners.

Demand for the programme has exceeded all expectations, and an extra course has been added. To find out more, click here

One of the talented Idealog Team Content Producers made this post happen.

Review overview