Pet Coffins, ethical coffee and protein shakes for kids: A wrap of Pitch Circus, November

The latest and second Pitch Circus was being held on Nov 18th at James, in Parnell, as part of IdealogLIVE. Three sets of entrepreneurs each had a 3:33-minute presentation to tell the audience why they deserve to win.
Every member of the audience had the chance to vote through a mobile website. Voters give each of the contestants a score out of 100. The scores are displayed on a big screen in real-time for everyone to see.
Once voting was closed, the winner as highlighted on the screen and presented with their prize.
Up for grabs was:
- $1000 cash
- A bottle of delicious Johnnie Walker Black
- One free hour consulting with AJ Park, the IP specialists
- One free hour consulting with Mike Hutcheson, business guru
- Coverage in Idealog
- And an introduction to the Venture Capital Association
The team that took it out on the night was Honest Coffee Co’s Josh Cole and Jayden Klinac. These guys are New Zealand’s sole importer of the world’s only 100% biodegradable coffee capsules, made by The Ethical Coffee Company. The capsules can be used in all Nespresso machines.
Once used, the capsules can be composted — they decompose faster than an orange peel – or put in a worm bin. Traditional aluminum capsules can take between 150 and 200 years to degrade, which means a whole lot of landfill.
The duo sell a wide range of the capsules through their online store as well as Sjöstrands espresso machines, which are known for their energy efficiency.
The other competitors in Pitch Circus were Rest in Pets and Complete Kids Nutrition.
Rest in Pets is headed by Mat and Jane Bogust and is founded on the idea that “our furry friends deserve more than ‘just a box'”. The company aims to make the passing of a pet more ceremonious than wrapping them in an old tea towel.
The couple notes that: “The loss of a pet is often a child’s first experience with life’s tough questions, and the sadness and confusion death brings”. Rest in Pets has a range of coffin sizes depending on what animal you are burying.
Megan Dixon’s business Complete Kid’s Nutrition makes dairy superfood milkshakes for everyday growing kids. There are two different types of shakes, one for ‘Anytime Kids’ and another type for ‘Active Kids’.
“Anytime Kids” is a range that provides a blend of recommended daily nutrients and some of nature’s finest superfoods. The “Anytime Kids” range can be used as a complete nutritional drink or an addition to any child’s lunch box.
The “Active Kids” range caters more for kids that are always on the go. The shakes can also be used as a pre or post sports meal and to help aid in a child’s recovery from physical activity or keep them going during their sports game.