Crothers is a force to be reckoned with in the world of landscape architecture and urban design. He’s the chair of the Auckland Branch of the NZILA as well as sitting in the NZILA executive committee and won wide praise for his role as convener of the 2018 NZILA Firth conference. Henry also chairs the T?maki Makaurau Design Alliance (TMDA).
Some of the significant urban renewal and public transformation projects in New Zealand he’s been involved with include the Auckland City Centre streetscapes and ‘shared space’ program, master planning and delivery of projects for Panuku Development Auckland and the Avon River Park Precinct, East Frame and South Frame in Christchurch. We can’t leave out his involvement in the pink Light Path in Auckland, either.
In the video profile below, Crothers says design is about people, and has to be led by people.
This article first appeared on the Landscape Architecture Aotearoa website, which is published by the New Zealand Institute of Landscape Architects (NZILA).