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Kiwi tech company Onside targets biosecurity risks

Kiwi agri-tech company Onside is delivering new biosecurity technology that is transforming biosecurity practices and helping protect our crucial primary industries.

Onside’s mobile app for rural risk management has mapped more than 16,000 rural properties and logged over 2.6 million movements across New Zealand and Australia.

When contractors and visitors check in to rural properties, movement data, including plant material, people, machinery, and equipment, is collected to make it easy to manage health and safety and biosecurity risks — helping farmers and growers stay compliant.

In the last six months, Onside’s new biosecurity tracing software, Onside Intelligence, has identified at least 1,000 check-in movements that presented a heightened risk of spreading a biosecurity threat.

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Onside’s technology uses data from various sources to create an intricate map of rural interactions and potential disease pathways to support biosecurity management activity – making it easier and faster to detect and respond to outbreaks of pests and diseases.

Ryan Higgs, CEO, Onside, says, “As a country, we face the growing risk that an increasingly diverse set of pests and diseases will cross our borders and impact our all-important primary sector. Time matters in a biosecurity response, and fast access to accurate traceability data is critical for preparing and responding efficiently to a biosecurity incursion. 

“MPI’s investment in our technology has been instrumental in getting it into the hands of industry partners working hard to protect farmers and growers. With recent additional support from MPI, we’ve also set up a dedicated science group comprising some of the top minds in biosecurity to tackle the ever-evolving challenges presented by global biosecurity risks.”

Onside CEO Ryan Higgs (left) with a winegrower at Greystone Vineyard in Waipara, Canterbury (Photo credit: James Munro @itch.nz)

Biosecurity New Zealand deputy director-general Stuart Anderson, MPI says, “Biosecurity is crucial for safeguarding our primary sector and economic security. It’s great to see the development of this tool and industry uptake growing for Onside.” 

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The Onside and MPI partnership was established in 2022 to fast-track the development and adoption of Onside’s biosecurity app through a $9m multi-year project co-invested in by the Ministry for Primary Industries’ Sustainable Food and Fibre Futures fund (SFF Futures).

Industry partners adopt Onside’s tech 

Biosecurity New Zealand, Kiwifruit Vine Health, New Zealand Winegrowers, NZ Pork, Aquaculture New Zealand, and New Zealand Avocado are the first industry partners to use the technology to enhance their biosecurity readiness and response, and quickly carry out traceability exercises.

Adoption rates of Onside Intelligence in the kiwifruit and viticulture industry are growing beyond 30%, while in some industries like salmon, adoption has grown rapidly to more than 80%. 

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One of the first industries to deploy Onside Intelligence was New Zealand Winegrowers, the country’s grape and wine sector organisation, which sought to test the system to improve traceability in the $2.3 billion viticulture sector.  Sophie Badland, Biosecurity Manager, New Zealand Winegrowers, says, “From a production perspective, a large number of grapes must be of the right quality for export-quality wine. An incursion of a new pest or disease, like BMSB or Pierce’s disease, could affect both grape quality and quantity, posing a significant challenge for our growers.”

Kiwifruit Vine Health (KVH), a biosecurity organisation dedicated to protecting New Zealand kiwifruit growers from pest and disease threats, was also one of the first to implement Onside’s technology to help protect the $4 billion kiwifruit sector from future incursions. 

Leanne Stewart, CEO of Kiwifruit Vine Health, says, “This is an important project for KVH as we help ensure industry preparedness for biosecurity to protect orchards, businesses, and livelihoods. Onside is adding great value to growers by improving day-to-day best biosecurity practices in a simple, innovative way.”

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