The Wrap: 2 July
Not just for the kids In case you missed it, Lego has announced Fusion, which has a foot in the virtual world of play and one in the real world. This is one for kids and their parents happen to own a tablet and who secretly build models after their children are in bed. Fusion works by combining real Lego blocks with an app to build on your designs. Through the app you can get challenges, solve missions, play mini games and earn in game rewards. So far there’s Town Masters, Battle Towers, Create and Race – and the very tempting Resort Designer is set for September.
The thin blue line
This time we’re not talking about Twitter’s blue line that marks out a conversation. Well, in a way we are. A policeman in the UK, who remains anonymous, recently told the BBC that abuse of the kind you see on the streets and in houses is shifting into the online realm, and the result is a whole lot of time spent dealing with social media abuse. “In a typical day where perhaps [a police officer] might deal with a dozen calls, they might expect that at least half of them, whether around antisocial behaviour or abuse or threats of assault may well relate to social media, Facebook, Twitter or other forms,” he reportedly said.
Digital etiquette, with your host … Jerry Seinfeld
Have you ever wondered whether it’s okay to like a Facebook post about a death in the family? Or whether videoing a concert using your iPad is the done thing? Apparently so has Wired magazine, so they recently enlisted the help of TV star Jerry Seinfeld to explain the digital rights and wrongs. Also on the advice list: can you email during dinner and will Google Glass ever be cool?
Let it burn
Usually 3D printing materials have advantages like sturdiness, flexibility or the ability to give a product good looks. But MadeSolid‘s new resin is made to burn.
The process is called investment casting, where a mould is made using the resin, which can be filled with molten metal. Once the metal’s cooled, the 3D-printed mould can be broken away to leave only the metal prototype.