Telecom Digital Ventures is launching a separate business it says will help Kiwi businesses find new revenue streams based on data insights.
The business will also recruit staff to advise businesses about data use, provide on-demand visualisation of data insights as a service and a cloud platform to deploy applications.
Telecom Digital Ventures is a standalone business growth unit of the telco, formed last year to assess new technologies and business opportunities.
Qriuos is headed by Cyrus Facciano, a former business development manager at VMWare and technical consultant for senior accounts at EMC.
“Qrious wants to help New Zealand address big challenging issues such as how to deliver better public transport, housing, and health outcomes,” he says. “We are curious about ways to help prevent the increase of chronic illness and improve the healthcare services available to the public. By connecting available data sets across the sector and correlating this with population demographics, we can help direct investment to the most in-demand types of care.”
Telecom Digital Ventures also points to the rise of the data scientist, a role that combines skills in statistics, coding and business acumen. It says these professionals are rare, so it will form a Data Science Academy to train and test students in these skills. It will offer internships and paid roles in data science as part of the academy.
Facciano says smarter data use could create billions of dollars for NZ Inc. “We have established a platform where businesses, the public sector and other organisations can privately and securely host their own data and combine this with other publicly available information to gain even greater insights,” he says.