The aftermath of covid-19 has been heavily felt by many, and in particular New Zealand charities. Taking actions into their own hands, Trade Me has teamed up with Women’s refuge, Red cross, City Mission, Age Concern, Variety- the Children’s Charity and The Salvation Army to open the Trade Me Kindness Store.
Helping Kiwis in need, the initiative is a curated stores page on Trade Me that allows people to buy items that charities need. Usually the store runs as Christmas, however because of the drastic change charities have seen during the lockdown period, it is running early.
“These organisations do incredible work at the best of times and with all the added challenges of COVID-19, we want to do everything we can to support them during this time,” says Trade Me spokesperson Logan Mudge.
“Access to food is a big one. All these organisations are reliant on donations, which have dropped dramatically during alert level 3 and 4.”
There are multiple ways that members can support the charities through the Kindness Store, primarily purchasing any of the items available on the page and from there, Trade Me will organise getting the items to the people in need.
“$20 can give victims of family violence a safe night with the Women’s Refuge, $50 can buy a petrol voucher for Age Concern or an iconic Red Cross Care Parcel and $100 can buy a blanket for the City Mission,” says Women’s Refuge CEO Dr Ang Jury.
“We are extremely grateful to Trade Me and to the public who purchase these much-needed items through the Kindness Store. We are in unprecedented times with many obstacles, and we are relying on the goodwill of Kiwis more than ever to help us meet the needs of the women and children who require our services.”
To help support the Kiwis in need visit Trade Me Kindness Store