Friday Frivolities: Mozarella, jet-propulsion go-cart, if websites started dating, and more …

Everybody loves mozzarella
Shot in Casefico Torricelle in Paestum, Italy – the “mozzarella capital of the world”, this video takes you through the delicate and detailed process of making artisanal mozzarella, starting at 2 in the morning.
Whiteout: Artisanal Mozzarella Process from Honeyland Films on Vimeo.
Jet-propulsion Go-kart
It’s one of those ideas that you just think, “this is bound to end well”, but in fact, it’s absolutely awesome. Just remember to turn the volume down, as the soundtrack is a bit too heavy for the office.
Everything on the menu
White Castle. It’s a fast-food chain that’s cemented its place in pop-culture through several lampooning films, it’s founder actually invented the hamburger bun, and now one guy attempts to eat through its entire menu. What?!
Rough flight for an adorable girl
This is where we all go “awwwww”.
If social media websites went on a date
It’s disturbingly accurate, actually. Funny, but slightly freaked out. Warning: strong language, potentially NSFW.