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The film of the book of New Zealand in 64 icons

Back in 2014, graphic designer, writer and illustrator Belinda Ellis began a project to encapsulate Kiwis and kiwiana in a series of icons. From Sir Edmund Hillary to the weta, a jelly-tip iceblock to comedian Billy T, she simplified each image to a logo you could put on a t-shirt, or a fridge magnet.

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Then Ellis, a former Designworks designer, teamed up with publisher Potton and Burton, and clothing and gifts company Mr Vintage and set about trying to turn her idea into a money-making venture. 

As many New Zealand-based designers find, it wasn’t easy. She talks about the ICONZ project in a newly-released short documentary by student filmmaker Thomasina Ferrall.

Chief editor at Idealog, Nikki's a veteran in the journalism industry. A former lecturer at AUT University, she was the chief reporter at NZ weekly business publication The Independent and was deputy editor of Canadian publication Unlimited magazine.

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