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As part of Idealog's Technology Month, we've picked the brains of some of the movers and shakers in the industry to find out their


Oppo – China’s most popular smartphone company – is at it again, this time introducing a dual-SIM smartphone to the New Zealand mass


There’s been a lot of talk around diversity initiatives in tech industry, but if Ezel Kokcu’s achievements are anything to go by, there’s hope


With the advent of artificial intelligence and more automation than you can shake a stick at, what becomes of the tasks that people perform


We gave Dragon Defenders author James Russell a little longer than an elevator ride to have a chat about his augmented reality book


As part of Idealog's Technology Month, we've picked the brains of some of the movers and shakers in the industry to find out their


As part of Idealog's Technology Month, we've picked the brains of some of the movers and shakers in the industry to find out their


Despite the country's outward appearance of affluence and wealth, in reality, New Zealand is a nation of debt which sits on a <a href="http://www.nzherald.co.nz/personal-finance/news/article.cfm?c_id=12&objectid=11651648" target="_blank" rel="noopener


An interactive map created by InternetNZ and the 20/20 Trust shows the extent of the digital divide in New Zealand. This includes a


It’s not always easy taking a Kiwi company to the world, but after stints abroad at companies like Skype and the BBC, Roam co-founders


As part of Idealog's Technology Month, we've picked the brains of some of the movers and shakers in the industry to find out their


As part of Idealog's Technology Month, we've picked the brains of some of the movers and shakers in the industry to find out their


As part of Idealog's Technology Month, we've picked the brains of some of the movers and shakers in the industry to find out their


Idealog digital editor Ben Mack chats with Tanmay Bakshi and Joanna Batstone about working with IBM's Watson, the future of artificial intelligence, whether


With the digital revolution upon us changing the way we work, live and play, the employment outlook for digital professionals is bright. The 2017


The Idea Log, Idealog's spirit 'animal', is back once again to propose a few innovative solutions to help get our country’s A into GDP.


As part of Idealog's Technology Month, we've picked the brains of some of the movers and shakers in the industry to find out their


As part of Idealog's Technology Month, we've picked the brains of some of the movers and shakers in the industry to find out their


A few weeks ago, some of the Sharesies team went to Hong Kong to attend the RISE conference. RISE is a massive conference that brings together


With just over three months until the final awards night, the C-Prize finalists are busier than ever. We went behind the scenes of the


An Auckland-based big data company has made the immeasurable measurable and transformed the way museums operate, and is working towards helping them predict which


No longer is the modern canvas confined to being flat. Fostered by the advent of powerful projectors and more advanced methods of mapping, large-scale


As part of Idealog's Technology Month, we've picked the brains of some of the movers and shakers in the industry to find out their


A lot of tech companies will talk about the importance of having more women and treating employees fairly. But few can actually back it


What does the future of friendship look like in the post-truth, alternative fact, cat-fishing, trolling, ghosting, cyber-bullying online world? It’s complicated, says TRA's cultural strategist


As part of Idealog's Technology Month, we've picked the brains of some of the movers and shakers in the industry to find out their favourite