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Ghostedd: The new platform that holds employers accountable

We’ve all been there when applying for a job and never hearing from them. This new platform, Ghostedd, is a first of its kind but also a solution for Kiwi job seekers.

Founder Ricjohn Genoguin says that this platform comes at a time of rising unemployment and an increasingly competitive job market that is leaving Kiwi job seekers to face the challenge of poor communication from potential employers.

Ghosting – providing no response at all – or offering vague and generic rejections, many companies are falling short of best practice when it comes to recruitment.

Ghostedd allows job seekers to report these experiences, share stories and push for transparency and respect in the hiring process.

“At a time when talent teams are managing an influx of applications, it’s more important than ever to prioritise transparency,” says Genoguin.

“A simple, honest response can go a long way in building goodwill with candidates, and ultimately, it strengthens an organisation’s employer brand. Ghostedd is here to ensure that every job seeker gets the feedback, respect, and closure they deserve.”

Read more: New job platform ditches CVs and cover letters

By shining a spotlight on the lack of meaningful feedback and closure, Ghostedd hopes to drive real change in how businesses handle recruitment.

Genoguin adds that as a New Zealand-founded platform, Ghostedd is embodying Kiwi ingenuity with global ambitions to improve recruitment practices not just in Aotearoa, but also worldwide.

“Our goal is to take this innovation worldwide, ensuring job seekers everywhere get the respect and closure they deserve during the recruitment process.”

Accountability while on the job hunt is necessary, he adds, saying providing feedback is what helps job seekers grow, especially in a competitive and challenging job market.

And for employers, this means building a stronger and more reputable employer brand.

Bernadette is a content writer across SCG Business titles. To get in touch with her, email [email protected]

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