ANZ’s GAYTMS hit Auckland and Wellington – I’d like to withdraw some fabulous cash, please

Four of ANZs most well known ATMs have been transformed into a fierce explosion of colours, patterns and rhinestones to show support for the folks in the LBGTI (lesbian, bisexual, gay, transgender, intersex) community.
These are the first of their kind in New Zealand, following on from 10 GAYTMs that were commissioned across the ditch in Sydney in support of the city’s Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras parade and festival.
The 10 GAYTMs bejewelled with rhinestones, sequins, studs, leather, denim and fur that printed rainbow receipts with the words “cash out and proud” on them were a social media sensation.
ANZ has already done special ATMs in New Zealand for Matariki and Diwali in the past as part of its support for its five staff affinity groups – Maori and Pasifika, Asian, Indian, Pride and Fleixble Working Parents.
ANZ Chief financial officer Antonia Watson says the GAYTMS represent respect, equality and acceptance.
“We believe that celebrating a diverse New Zealand is not only the right thing to do but also makes good business sense given the make-up of our staff and customers,” she says.
Location, designer
The locations of the New Zealand GAYTMS are 312 Ponsonby Road, 45 Queen St and 122 Karangahape Road in Auckland and 22 Willis St in Wellington.
The GAYTM in Ponsonby is designed by Reuben Paterson, a New Zealand artist renown for what he creates with glitter and diamond dust.
The design, which is called Freedom flowers, is uniquely kiwi and features native New Zealand flower, the Puawhananga. It’s inspired by the Rainbow Flag.
“The Puawhananga’s journey form the base of the forest to the treetops represents pride in the LBGTI community’s own journey onward and upward,” Paterson says.
Proceeds from non-ANZ customers’ cards are going to be donated to OUTline, a not-for-profit counselling service that offers support to people undergoing sexuality and gender issues.
The makeover of the ATMS is being showcased in conjunction with two major events in the LBGTI community happening tonight – Auckland’s Pride Festival and Wellington’s Out in the Park.
The GAYTMs will print ‘Freedom Flower’ receipts that display messages of support for the festivals.
There is also a social media competition running to win accommodation, flights and VIP tickets to Mardi Gras in Sydney.
To get amongst the festivities and be in the draw, people can spruce up an everyday item and upload the picture to Facebook, Instagram or Twitter with the hashtag #GAYTMNZ.