Idealog’s Most Innovative Leader: Karl Sheridan – Monster Valley
With strong ties to the Kiwi film industry – he’s produced television commercials, short films and music videos as well as the crowdfunded the feature length documentary, Dregs – the one man dynamo has emerged as a key facilitator and driving force behind the New Zealand’s creative scene.
After working for five years in the film industry, Sheridan saw a gap in the market for slick low-budget content. Since then, his independent arts and content agency Monster Valley has shot over 1,500 videos, taken hundreds of thousands of photographs, hung over 600 artworks and held over 200 events, with corporate collaborations such as Air New Zealand, Westpac and Countdown.
But there’s more to the man than his business achievements: The ART Venture Award Winner is also the man behind the scenes of such staple art events as The Experiment, the International Arts and Music Festival, and Monster Valley’s weekly One-Night Only exhibition series.
If that’s not enough, he’s also editor of Black Lagoon, Monster Valley’s limited edition, quarterly arts and culture zine showcasing the creative community in all of its physical glory, plus director of the Super8x8 Film Challenge, a celebration of the analogue film format that gives participants to access a collection of high end Super 8 cameras, to plan, shoot and show analogue films.
This year has been a busy one for the impresario, working hard behind the scenes orchestrating events such as The Experiment – which encourages emerging artists, musicians, and creatives to discover innovative ways to display their works – launching the Super 8 Lounge in Auckland and expanding the annual Super8x8 festival down to Wellington, and launching “Poynton Studios,” a new space for young artists to create meaningful work.
He doesn’t spend much time seeking recognition, but his genuine passion for creativity – not to mention his seemingly endless energy – Monster Valley’s Karl Sheridan is very much leaving his mark on New Zealand’s vibrant art scene.