When are Kiwis most generous and likely to dip into their wallets to donate for a cause? The Give A Little social crowdfunding platform has thrown up some interesting data for us to ponder upon. As it turns out, Thursday — the day before TGIF day — was the most popular day for donations in 2014, a year which saw $12.29 million raised for 5,506 campaigns, up 135% from the year before.
The most generous hour was somewhere between 9pm and 10pm. The most generous day in 2014 was September 25, when 3203 people gave $167,963.90.
Give A Little was founded in 2007 by Nathalie Whitaker who grew it to $2.4 million in donations before it was acquired by Spark Foundation (formerly Telecom) in November 2012. The foundation funds Give A Little, at around $800,000 per annum, covering all its operational cost.
Other interesting bits are captured in this Give A Little crowdfunding platform video.