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TEDxAuckland to kickstart Techweek2021

Techweek2021 is fast approaching, and this year the global phenomenon TEDx will be part of the agenda. In an exciting new development, the TEDxAuckland partnership brings through a new generation of kiwi ingenuity and leadership to kick off a week-long showcase of New Zealand’s innovators.

With the theme ‘Connecting for a Better Future’, Techweek2021 promises a not-to-be-missed programme of events over the length and breadth of New Zealand. There will be more than 200 live, virtual and hybrid events scheduled for the days between 22 and 30 May.

NZTech chief executive officer, Graeme Muller, says technology is the future, and by 2030 it will be New Zealand’s largest export. He adds however that there will be challenges.

“We have a real skills shortage in New Zealand – technology development outpaces talent development, and before Covid we relied on immigration for in-demand skills. Now, maintaining momentum depends on looking within.”

Techweek aims to create Digital equity and attract a broader audience, including entrepreneurs, young Maori leaders and women, all of whom make vital contributions. There are ten themes this year which presentations and events are structured around, each with clear relevance for innovators and entrepreneurs tackling uniquely Kiwi challenges. 

‘Technology solutions’ for growing businesses don’t have to be complex, and neither are they inaccessible for everyday Kiwi companies. For example, the session ‘Grow Your Business with Marketing Automation’ shows how managers can set up simple systems capable of generating new leads, building and managing email lists, and turning subscribers into customers. ‘Rural Connectivity Symposium’ focuses on a crucial foundational aspect of technology – access to the internet. And with cybersecurity a growing challenge, ‘Growing Your Cyber Security Superpowers’ livestreams from Whangarei, providing people anywhere in the world an opportunity to better protect their organisation.

Muller says remarkable examples of innovation often crop up from the most unexpected places.

“With necessity the mother of invention, smart people engaged in primary industries, education, small business and many other pursuits continually amaze through their creation, adoption and application of digital solutions to commonly-encountered problems,” he says.

“That goes to the heart of what innovation means – often, it isn’t about creating something entirely new, but applying emerging and increasingly affordable technology to do it better.”

He adds that Techweek connects businesses, and thanks to the very technology it promotes, the programme of events have sparked global interest in New Zealand’s technology. 

“Many other countries are now engaging through Techweek, investing capital, creating partnerships, and more. Ultimately, while the focus is technology, it’s all about people and bringing everyone on a journey to a brighter future.”

Techweek2021 is on from 22 to 30 May 2021. View the programme and learn more at techweek.co.nz.

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