The new complex, known as Union Green, will feature 75 terrace homes situated across three landscaped gardens and an apartment tower known as ‘The Rise’.
At the heart of the complex will be ‘The Green’, a communal parkland that provides “a natural space for rest, relaxation, interaction and connection”. The development will also feature mature jacaranda and karaka trees, large-scale green walls and native shrubbery across each floor.
The company behind Union Green, Myland Partners, says that the design-led project aims to create “the ultimate liveable city for Aucklanders” and fits well with Auckland City’s Master Plan, an initiative to re-invent the central business district as a better area for work, relaxation and leisure.
Architects Fearon Hay are the master planners behind the project, working with architects Peddle Thorp to create the complex, while landscape designers Natural Habitats provided the lush greenery.
Apartments range in price from $400,000 to $900,000 and terrace homes from $650,000 to $1,200,000.