Ponsonby’s iconic Artstation turns a new leaf this week after launching its company make-over that includes a rebrand, building refurbishment and new opportunities in the community.
Auckland Council re-opened the heritage building doors on Wednesday night as Studio One Toi T? that provides new work and exhibition spaces for both businesses and creatives.
Council spokesperson Stephen Johnson says the rebranding is an effort to move away from the visual arts perception often linked with the Artstation building.
“Even though the name has changed from Artstation the link remains with visual arts and it made sense people would refer to it as that. But it’s intended to now move more towards a ‘studio’ direction that brings about creative design studio ties rather than just an ‘art gallery”.
“We wanted to go more along the modern lines in contrast to the exterior austere-police look…given it used to be a police station.”
The gallery section of the building has moved to the ground floor to allow easy access for people who come off the streets. Meeting rooms have been fitted with audio-equipment to make Studio One Toi T? more appealing to the business section.
“It’s not so much a making art space but bringing a whole lot of activities together rather than just one gallery or arts office – the idea is that there will be more collaborative and working together.”
Auckland Council plan for Ponsonby businesses to use Studio One as a means to promote their latest products, host business partners in conjunction with a creative space that attracts every-day people.