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Zoe Hobson and Emma Johansson of Dunedin-based games studio Runaway chat about their upcoming VR game Flutter, why they chose Dunedin as a


Not knowing if you need to use the restroom isn’t just a nightmare – it’s a reality for millions of people across the globe.


A wearable bladder sensor for people who have difficulties telling if they need to use the restroom has won the 2017 edition of Callaghan


It can be hard to track down the right person for odd jobs around the home – sometimes it’s a matter of crowdsourcing through


While new technologies have provided untold benefits for society, all of them have their repercussions and one of those is that it's much harder


Mention augmented reality to most people and they'll think of Pokémon GO. While the technology is often associated with gaming, its serious side is


Chatbots are all the rage these days, and the promise of AI means they're likely to keep raging. BTL's Regan Hall considers whether this


A New Zealand-made interactive reading app that allows children (and children at heart) to take control of classic kids’ stories has launched on the


TRA has been approved for up to $15 million in funding from Callaghan Innovation to assist with its research and development (R&D) ventures


Putting AI and ethics in the same sentence can make anyone who’s watched an episode of Westworld or Black Mirror squeamish, as is the


VR is not just fun and games – but you knew that already.


Modern technology is revolutionising manufacturing. And companies like Production Machinery Ltd are looking to seize the opportunities this revolution is creating. Callaghan Innovation's chief


A retail-specific AI tool has been launched into the New Zealand market. Dott the AI bot is available to every retailer using the Vend


Xero's longtime CTO Craig Walker knows things, wants things, predicts things, worries about things and improves things. In this fifth and final installment, here are five things that worry him


Kiwi wearable tech company StretchSense has come up with a solution for making sure the clothes you buy online actually fit. Oh, and they've


The Internet of Things (IoT) is about to hit the New Zealand market in a big way, but the question is – do Kiwis


Callaghan Innovation’s National Tech Network Manager - Data & IoT, Jonathan Miller, explains VR’s growing role in solving real business problems.


Dow Design digital director Michael Evans weighs in on one of the key issues facing businesses now and in the future.


Setting out to raise the social media literacy of New Zealand businesses is a bold task to embark on, but social media specialist agency


Idealog digital editor Ben Mack chats with Fonterra's Raf Rasile about digital transformation, the importance of being agile, why dairying is pretty bloody high-tech,


For the 2017 Innovation Issue ­– as with every issue – we wanted to try something new. So we talked to our friends


Chantal Thomas asks the newly appointed Visa’s Everywhere Initiative New Zealand judge about empowering women in tech and what motivates her. 


A new service lets people anonymously share their Spotify and iTunes music with their favourite bars, cafes and shops. Will it be music to


The Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment has released a new report on the potential of virtual reality in New Zealand.


No matter how you slice it, $10 billion is a pretty big chunk of change. It’s how much Aotearoa’s technology sector is estimated to


Malcolm Gladwell has views on a lot of things - and some of them are genuinely shocking. But are touchscreens really a fad? We