US-based kiwi Claudia Batten who can talk business while trying on shoes, now shares tips for a ‘great’ board February 20, 2015 12:00 amWork LifeHenri Eliot READ MORE
IT governance, privacy, Internet of Things and other issues for company directors January 27, 2015 5:00 amTechHenri Eliot READ MORE
ICE Professionals’ CEO on why graduates need to start at the bottom, and why entrepreneurs must not use money as the sole measure of success November 24, 2014 3:38 amWork LifeHenri Eliot READ MORE
Burger King’s Daniel Schwartz became CEO of the multi-billion dlr chain at 33. When do you throw your best people into the deep end? October 31, 2014 3:52 amWork LifeHenri Eliot READ MORE
How to save your board meetings from being swamped by ‘history’ October 7, 2014 12:28 amWork LifeHenri Eliot READ MORE
Why star board members need a playbook for growth July 10, 2014 2:11 amWork LifeHenri Eliot READ MORE