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Friday Frivolities: Crushing, punching, arguing, slinging mud and how to argue on the internet

Will it crush?

You can’t fold any piece of paper in half more than seven times, right? Wrong! No right actually. More than seven times and the darn stuff explodes! Because SCIENCE!

Also, how the hell am I only just finding out about the Hydraulic Press YouTube channel?!

You’re not yourself when you’re angry

There’s nothing new under the sun, they say, but that doesn’t mean there’s not plenty of dumb combinations of other things, as this Snickers commercial shows.

Actually, the whole Snickers commercial archive is full of win. Perfect for when you’re feeling “sad and vulgar”.

This changes “EVERYTHING”

It turns out that raspberries make perfect afros for Lego people.  

So that’s that solved. Next!

Hey, we heard you didn’t like stuff on your stuff so we put some stuff on your stuff

I don’t know about you, but my desk is buried under a pile of stray beard hair and sausage roll pastry (#notproud #onlygodcanjudgeme).

Luckily, science has invented a way to keep stray crap off your other crap. Thanks, science!

Also, check out the comments section. There are morons are arguing over this stuff. Lol.

How to argue on the internet

Speaking of arguing on the internet, the game just changed. #disruption

Peace out. 

One of the talented Idealog Team Content Producers made this post happen.

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