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365 days of movie quotes you may have never heard of.

Artist and film fan Ian Simmons decided to submit a piece of penmanship everyday for a year.

Known as ConflictStar on Instagram, Reddit and Tumblr, he has focused his typography on a particular film quote everyday as part of Project 365.

So far Simmons has included quotes from movies varying from The Godfather to The Hangover to Finding Nemo.

 “It’s been an amazing journey so far: one which I would like to continue and evolve as I grow artcistically,” says Simmons on his Patreon page.

For those of you who have never heard of Project 365, it is committing to taking one photo every day for a year.

There is no right or wrong way to be part of this project, whether it be using your DSLR camera or simply just the camera on your phone.

Project365 began in 2006 when Ross Scrivener wanted to take more photos as a way to document his life and also a way to improve his photography.

Platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Tumblr and Reddit are all used to showcase the work of each indivudal project.

What began as purely photographic images has now evolved to illustrations, typography and even stormtroopers.

The project continues to grow with creatives around the world submitting photos of their creations.

Here are five other Project 365 accounts that include everything from Stormtroopers to black and white portraits.

  1. Candid-Zen

  2. Real Life Instagram

  3. Sally Nixon

  4. Stormtroopers 365

  5. Israel Castillo

Recently graduated from AUT's journalism undergraduate programme, Catrin has a unhealthy love of dogs, sun, beaches, and coffee. She's also Welsh and proud to let you know it.

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